Keezees...the Glaswegian web-comic.

Copyright © 2001-2025 Kevin McGrorty
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I made this game a few years back as a love-letter of sorts to my favourite film of all time, "The Wicker Man". It has played a major part in my life from a young age to the present day. The game is free to play, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD FOR PROFIT. All I can ask for is that you go and buy/watch the Wicker Man (the original 1973 version, not the ridiculous Nic Cage version), your life will be better off for it. Plus, it'll help while playing the game.

To play, simply click on the game once the see the line beginning "You grip tightly..." and type commands to solve the puzzles. Typical commands include:

GO [direction] (the game will list available directions)
EXAMINE [object or person]
TAKE [object]
DROP [object]
USE [object]
GIVE [object] TO [person]
TALK TO [person]
INVENTORY (to list what you are currently carrying)
LOOK (to reprint the description of the room)
There are lots of other possible commands, so use your imagination!

[Hint: You may wish to PADDLE SOUTH to start.]

I'm using @gasmanic's JS Spectrum emulator. Cheers, dude.

Back to the home page Onwards, to the comic! 4 teh n00bies What you want to know Photos of a Keezees nature